Long horror story

The Dweller Within ~Series 1~

I'll drop a scary story that happened a few years ago.

At that time, I was a student at a local university, and I often hung out in a group with people from the same department.

Sometimes others would join in, usually four to six guys and four girls. When we gathered in the apartment of someone who lived alone to drink, there was a girl who loved to share ghost stories.

There was always one girl, let's call her A, who would make a displeased face. This girl was quite close to me.

Let's call the girl who liked ghost stories B.

B wasn't weird or anything, and her ghost stories weren't personal experiences; they seemed like interesting stories she picked up from threads like this one. She didn't actually seem to believe in ghosts.

On the other hand, A would say she "could see them" and always seemed to avoid B.

They never hung out just the two of them, and even in the group, A seemed to keep her distance.

Me and another guy who believed A's "sightings" (let's call him C) thought that if she really had psychic abilities, she probably didn't enjoy ghost stories as a game.

One day, one of the guys who got along well with B brought up a horror spot he'd heard about. It was about a 30-minute drive away, and B and the others were excited about it, quickly deciding on a courage test tour.

We decided to call the others who weren't there, and I phoned A.

I personally wanted to go, but I thought A wouldn't want to. I said, "We're planning to go around ~~.

It's a courage test, but I think some people might not come." A cut me off, asking, "Is that the place with the big empty house? Where the courage test is?" "Yeah, that's the one. There's supposed to be something behind that house." "…Wouldn't it be better not to go? Or rather, just don't. Why not just drink at someone's house and tell ghost stories? There's no need to actually go there." I was surprised A suggested ghost stories, but the others were already excited and preparing. "No... everyone wants to go. If you're not up for it, A, you can sit this one out." After a pause, A said, "…Is B going?" "Yeah, she's the most eager." "…Okay, then I'll come too. Just wait for me."

Surprisingly, A really did come and got in the car with B. In the end, including those who couldn't make it, six of us set out in one wagon.

B was a bit clueless and didn't seem to realize A was keeping her distance. In the car, B started off chatting excitedly but soon began yawning. "Maybe I'm tired from work. I'm sleepy…" B muttered, looking tired. A told her, "You should sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." "Thanks. I'll sleep for a bit." After getting permission from the driver, B started dozing off, and A silently looked out the window.

When we arrived, B was still asleep, now completely knocked out. "Should we leave her?" we wondered, looking at each other, but A said, "I'll bring her. She'll be mad if we leave her behind." So, C ended up carrying B, and A, holding B's hand, led the way as the other car's passengers joined us.

The old house we found was creepily abandoned, and everyone was quite excited, saying, "Wow!" B remained asleep, with A still holding her hand. As we got to the main event and went behind the house, we saw something like an old well standing alone. Looking inside, we could see a small, Japanese-style dollhouse at the bottom of the dry well. "What's that?" one of us leaned over as A simultaneously screamed, "Get back!" The person who leaned in quickly retreated, and right after, we heard a "clash..." or "thud...", some sort of metallic sound. "Move back! Move back! Come this way!" A started yelling before we even felt the full dread. The clashing, rattling noise, growing louder and more frequent, filled us with an indescribable sense of horror.

From within that well, something was coming towards us.

Despite wanting to run, our bodies wouldn't move, and when I looked to the side, my friends were also faltering. The sound was getting closer, and although we couldn't see anything, I'm sure there was something there. "Come closer to me!!!" A yelled, grabbing my hand and making me grab something. When I looked at what I was holding, I realized it was B's right leg. The person before had grabbed B's left hand. A was holding B's right hand, and C was still carrying B on his back. A never let go of B, frantically pulling the rest of us together.

What happened next is unclear. But I distinctly remember, at some point, something appeared in front of us. Whether it was white, gray, transparent, smoke, or a shadow, it was an indescribable "something" there in front of us. Then, the area filled with a metallic noise, clashing and rattling, louder and louder. It wasn't the smoke-like thing making the noise. It felt like we were seeing "a smoke or shadow" fighting against an "invisible source of the metallic noise."

"Can you move? Let's run! Let's escape quickly!" A shouted, and we desperately moved towards the car, managing to escape. Inside the car, with C holding the steering wheel, I looked back. I couldn't see anything, but the metallic sound lingered for a while.

Afterwards, we explained to B, who had slept through the entire ordeal, that nothing had happened, and then we drank until dawn, shaking.

A few days later, I caught up with A and asked her about what happened. She looked disheartened and shared a lot. As expected, the old well was genuinely dangerous. "It's okay as long as you stay in front of the house, but you shouldn't go around to the back and look into the well," she said. The strange shadow that saved us was the issue, and A, with a disgusted face, said, "That's something attached to B... something creepy and strong."

A didn't avoid B because she disliked her but because of something eerie and powerful clinging to B. Initially, A thought it was a spirit attached to B but felt something was off. One day, she realized what it was coming out of B.

"It's inside B," she said.

"Either B is a gateway to that world, or B herself is where it resides. I'm not sure which," A said. She didn't fully understand, but she knew it came out of B and returned to her. All other spiritual entities avoided B, probably because they couldn't get close due to it.

"It didn't protect us out of kindness or care for B. It's like not wanting a door or house to break. That's why," A said. Whether something should be done about it was unclear, especially since B didn't seriously believe in spirits and it wasn't a normal spirit that could be exorcised. A chose to keep her distance, knowing it was protecting B from serious danger.

A felt that if we were going to a truly dangerous place and couldn't be stopped, the only option was to rely on what was inside B to protect us. "It only protects B. If we had strayed even slightly, we could have been possessed by whatever came from the well, ending our lives," A said, chilling me. Trying to lighten the mood, I said, "But what is it with B? If it protects her, isn't that somewhat good?" A looked at me with a complex gaze, mixed with envy and scorn. "If a parasite living in your stomach protects you until it hatches, would you be happy?" I somewhat understood. Whatever dwelled in B acted solely for its benefit, potentially taking something from B or even breaking through her at some point, affecting those around her, with B completely unaware.

"We have no choice but to leave it be," A sighed. "The entity from the well was tremendous, like a god in its worst form. I doubt even a skilled psychic could stand against it. Whatever is with B, there's nothing we can do."

Time passed, and we all became working adults. I remembered this story because B contacted me, saying she got married and had a child. When I told A, she said, "The best we can hope for is that it stays quiet until B's natural life ends." It seems A is convinced B still carries it with her.

What is this "something" different from normal spirits, living inside a person? And I'm still curious about the metallic sound from the mini-house at the bottom of the well. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Sorry for the long post. That's all.

The above is a continuation of the story about the mini-house at the bottom of the well and the entity living inside someone I know. It seems I wrote at an inopportune time, which is unfortunate. Moreover, I got caught up in an access restriction afterward. I wonder if anyone on the paranormal board knows anything.

As an aside, B would sometimes say along with ghost stories, "I really want to have a true ghostly experience! I've never had one." Before and after the story above, she had tried courage tests and Kokkuri-san games, but apparently, she never succeeded.

A later said, "I don't think it's possible. It seems like it's made so B herself can't see it, and other spirits, regardless of whether someone has spiritual sensitivity or not, don't come near B at all. The sound from the well was unusual, so it probably tried to approach. Maybe that's why B's entity put her to sleep and went all out. This is just speculation." I remembered that despite A's shouting that night, B showed no signs of waking up.

I also recall B casually mentioning before that, "I tried playing Kokkuri-san (or something like a spiritual game) alone at home, but got no response and just fell asleep, turning it into a nap. Those kinds of things are hard to succeed in." Maybe she was successful after all... or if so, what came at that time...


-Long horror story