Short horror story

A Haunting Encounter in the Mountains

A story from a week ago. I took my daughter for a drive. We went down a mundane mountain road, stopped at a drive-in along the way for food. Then, to scare my daughter, I turned into an unpaved side road.

Ignoring her protests, which I found amusing, I kept going further. Suddenly, the engine stopped.

We were deep in the mountains with no cell phone reception, and neither of us knew much about cars. The drive-in where we had eaten was hours away on foot. So, we had no choice but to spend the night in the car and decided to walk to the drive-in the next morning.

As we huddled in the car against the cold, night fell. The silence of the mountain at night was eerie, with only occasional wind rustling the trees.

As time passed, my daughter fell asleep in the passenger seat. I was about to doze off when I heard something.

Even now, it gives me the creeps, a voice or sound repeating, “Ten... Sou... Metsu...” over and over.

At first, I tried to convince myself it was a misunderstanding and kept my eyes shut. But the sound seemed to get closer, and I couldn't take it anymore. I opened my eyes.

Then, I saw something white and featureless, moving erratically towards the car. It resembled the silhouette of Ultraman's Jamila, headless, with what seemed like a single leg. It was hopping on one leg, flailing its arms wildly, its whole body shaking.

I was terrified, almost screaming, but for some reason, I was more concerned about not waking my sleeping daughter. I was frozen, unable to scream or run.

The thing kept getting closer to the car, but it seemed to pass by. As it passed, I kept hearing, “Ten... Sou... Metsu...”

The sound faded away, and when I looked back, it was gone. Relieved, I turned back to my daughter, only to find it outside her window. Up close, I saw it had a face on its chest, an indescribably horrifying face, grinning.

My fear turned to anger at the thought of it getting near my daughter. I yelled, “You bastard!” and it vanished, waking my daughter.

She woke up startled by my shout. But instead of calming down, she started muttering, “Haireta, haireta, haireta...” ("It entered, it entered, it entered...") over and over.

Realizing something was terribly wrong, I tried the engine, and to my surprise, it started. I drove back the way we came, with my daughter still murmuring beside me.

Desperate to reach civilization, I sped up. As the city lights came into view, I felt a bit relieved. But my daughter’s mumbling had changed from “Haireta” to “Ten... Sou... Metsu...” Her face no longer looked like my daughter’s.

Not daring to go home with her in that state, I drove to the first temple I saw. Despite being late at night, a light was on in the residence next to the temple. I dragged my daughter there and rang the bell.

A priest-like man came out, and upon seeing my daughter, he asked me accusingly, “What have you done!” I explained about going into the mountains and seeing the strange figure. He looked regretful and started chanting sutras, vigorously patting my daughter's shoulder and back.

He invited us to stay overnight. My daughter was apparently possessed by a "Yamano-ke," as the priest called it. He said if this condition lasted 49 days, she would never return to normal. The priest agreed to keep her and try to exorcise the Yamano-ke. My wife believed us after we called her. The priest warned that if we had gone home, the Yamano-ke would have attached to my wife as well. Until it’s fully exorcised, my wife can’t see our daughter.

It’s been a week, and my daughter is still with the priest. She doesn’t seem like herself anymore, grinning unnaturally and looking at me with unsettling eyes. I just want her back to normal.

Let this be a warning: don't go into the mountains just for fun.

References :

-Short horror story