Long horror story

Fusion The Dweller Within ~Series 6~

Something incredible happened in August, so I've compiled the story. Please note that this includes elements of fiction, so there may be parts that seem inconsistent.

I got a message from a male friend, C, from my university days, whom I mentioned in the story about the well. It seems B has recently found some free time or has become nostalgic, as he has been contacting old friends, including C.

During their conversation, B was reminded of the old well incident and shared it as a joke at his workplace. Then, a young female colleague summoned him to meet a male acquaintance of hers in his late twenties, about our age. The man's request was summarized as follows: "A friend of mine is possessed by something dangerous, and no monk, priest, or psychic has been able to help. We want to borrow B's power. Please get in touch, we need more details." Since C only knew about the well incident, he casually agreed to help and also recommended me and A, who are more familiar with B.

After discussing it, A and I decided to meet with C and the man (let's call him H). We explained the incidents involving the ring, the white kimono, and B's house, stating that the entity attached to B cannot be controlled by B or anyone else. Moreover, it only "repels" evil spirits or curses without exorcising them, which can cause harm to those around. Therefore, we advised him to refrain from seeking its assistance.

It appears H also has the ability to "see" spirits. When A showed him a photo of B (from his childhood, wearing a white kimono), H's expression immediately became serious. "This is amazing. Is this kid really alive? What's with him, a mountain god or something? Is it safe to be targeted by something like this? Maybe we can seriously consider this." Despite our warnings, H was genuinely interested in the "thing" attached to B and kept asking about it. A, hesitantly, wanted to hear the opinion of another "seer" and provided a brief explanation.

To me, who cannot "see," their exchange was filled with concepts I couldn't grasp: "Is it hard? Like it could snap?" "Not really, it doesn't feel cold or misplaced. It's just this weird sensation, like why is it even there?" "Really? So there's no sensation like it's scraping?" "None at all. It's smooth, doesn't erode or anything." After this confusing conversation, H concluded, "I have absolutely no idea."

Once again, A and I stressed that he should really stop, and we left it at that.

A few days later, on Saturday, A called me. B was about to meet with C and wanted us to join. "There's a 'haunted' house; C said you and I should come too." Surprised, I left home to meet up with A and head to the location B had specified, where H was waiting for us in his car. Smiling, he said, "Sorry, B and C will come later. Hop in," and explained in the car that he had asked C to arrange a meeting with B. "There's a 'haunted' house belonging to someone I know. When I mentioned it, B immediately agreed. Such a good person, saying 'An old friend's courage test? Go have fun and stretch your wings,' taking care of the kids. We don't have much time, so we need to hurry."

H's destination was a huge mansion enclosed by a fence in a high-end residential area, but by the time the car stopped, A next to me was rigid and pale. "Sorry about this. It's okay, we're outsiders, and as long as we don't provoke anything..." Persuaded by H, A reluctantly got out of the car and looked up at the mansion with a tense face. "Are you serious?" "Yeah... The lady of the house is my mother's childhood friend. Her son has completely lost it." "What do you mean? If that person is saved, it'll just scatter and spread everywhere, won't it?" "I've thought about that... If we confine it somewhere it can't escape and let them battle it out thoroughly, that might settle it, right?" While they were arguing, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman came out to invite us in. Inside, the sight of the man made us freeze on the spot. Standing facing the wall, his eyes rolled back, glancing at the ceiling with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, mumbling something unintelligibly with a broken look - it was genuinely frightening. If someone told me this was the malicious spirit plaguing the house, I would have believed them. I was taken aback, but A was already beyond pale. "Where did it originate?" When A asked, H, with a tired but nonchalant smile, said, "That's the worst part... We don't know, it just picked it up somewhere." Later, we learned from the two that the entity attached to the son of the household (let's call him I) seemed to be a fusion of multiple human spirits linked by malice. It appeared to have been attached to objects rather than living beings for a long time before finding I, which would serve as a clue or a foundation for exorcism. However, because it was unclear where it had attached to I, there was no lead for the exorcism, and psychics had deemed it impossible. Hearing H's answer made A look even more frightened. "Is this person okay? Didn't he do something terrible?" "Well, he's been on the brink before. For now, someone who came by a while ago has placed some kind of protective charm on him to keep it at bay." Amid this terrifying conversation, we heard a car outside. C had arrived with B, who, true to form or rather terrifyingly, was already fast asleep in the car.

H took B from C, carried her into a room deeper inside, laid her down on the floor, and covered her with a blanket. Later, the lady of the house brought I in, leaving him with the sleeping B, and we left the room. In hindsight, putting a sleeping married woman and a disturbed man in the same room was an absurd situation. But at the time, H's decisive manner and the inherent belief that B would be fine no matter what made us comply without question.

Once the door was closed, H sat down against it in the hallway. A clung to me, and after a while, as the lady hurried back down the hall. Then, a tremendous noise of destruction came from inside the room. It sounded as if walls or pillars were being smashed, mixed with the sound of glass or ceramics breaking. I was startled, and H, without moving, pressed his back against the shaking door. C, whether he had been informed by H or not, looked uneasy but not overly panicked.

After an indeterminate amount of time, when the noise from inside had finally quieted down to sporadic sounds, the door suddenly rattled as if someone inside was desperately trying to open it, accompanied by a sharp, frantic voice pleading for help. "Hey, help me!! Please, I beg you, help me! Open the door, quickly! Please open it!!!" A looked up at H, "Hey, isn't it enough? Let's open it and let them out." I also realized, "Hey, that person (I), has he come back to his senses?" but H glared at us and said, "Not yet." After more time passed and the noise had completely stopped, H finally stood up and opened the door. Inside, everything was as it was when H had left B to sleep and brought I in. There were no signs of the destruction the noise had suggested. B was sleeping spread-eagled in the middle of the room. H rushed to I, who was cowering in a corner. "Hey, I. Do you recognize me?" "Ah... H? H!!" As his eyes focused, I, looking far more coherent than at our first meeting, clung to H. "H, there was a monster! Really, a monster attacked me, trying to kill me." "Alright, alright," H soothed him, patting I's shoulder reassuringly. At that moment,

I noticed A leaning weakly at my side. I quickly caught him, and H said, "Oh, sorry. Can you take him to the living room? This place must be hard on him." As C and I carried A back down the hallway, I finally realized something.

The voice I had heard speaking to H earlier was completely different from the one that had been coming from inside the room before the noise stopped.

...Afterward, when A woke up and was able to move, we moved the sleeping B to A's house and called B's husband to come and pick her up. To avoid any suspicion, H, C, and I, all the men, left the scene. B's husband took his sleeping wife without showing any sign of doubt.

"Oh, this happened again? I'm sorry. You might already know, but she has some sort of sleeping disorder. She suddenly falls asleep and can't wake up. I heard from her mother that it used to happen often when she was little, but since getting married, it's been rare, maybe once a year. There's nothing unusual in the medical exams, and she doesn't remember it happening, but she always makes sure to turn off any gas or dangerous items before going to sleep, and it never happens when she's with the kids, so it's not like she collapses or anything. I'm not worried about it. Sorry to trouble you, and thanks for letting me know."

According to A, "I think everything like gas or fire must be okay. Even if B doesn't stop it, that thing will take care of it. It's surprising that it doesn't happen when there's a baby. Maybe since B had a child, she stopped going to dangerous places or buying dangerous things." H said, "Leaving a baby alone while sleeping deeply must be something B's subconscious can't accept. I don't think that thing with B is completely unrelated to her consciousness. If it weren't somehow integrated into her unconscious, I don't think it would put her to sleep. There must be a reason why it has to be B. It's inconvenient if she can't fight at full strength unless she's without her child or family isn't around. If it were just squatting, it would have moved on."

We also asked the two "seers" about the voice we heard from inside the room. They both agreed completely, "One of the fused human spirits, facing the crisis of extinction, regained its self-awareness." It seems that H had used every connection, knowledge, and favor he could call upon to seal the room spiritually in multiple layers beforehand. Inside that sealed "cage," the entity attached to B and the one with I were placed in close proximity, where their mere existence caused mutual erosion, leading to an indescribable fierce battle. Once again, B's entity emerged victorious.

The plea for help we heard was from a spirit experiencing the fear of death for the second time, trapped in a cage with no escape from B's entity.

It was a shock. The voice was too real for something not living, something without vocal cords. A's collapse was due to the spiritual equivalent of witnessing a "blood-soaked massacre." Neither wanted to discuss what became of those spirits, and frankly, I didn't want to think about it. We already knew B's entity wasn't something that performed exorcisms or purifications.

That concludes the story. B woke up the next morning, cheerfully preparing breakfast and her husband's lunch as if nothing had happened. I, meanwhile, has been seeing a psychiatrist and, according to his mother, is now able to engage in conversation, showing significant improvement from before. C, however, mentioned he'd rather not contact B too much anymore, not sure what H had told him.

The most unsettling detail was about the fused spirits, "Probably over half a century old but not more than a hundred years," and "All of them had their fingernails torn off." A and H refused to elaborate further, and frankly, I didn't want to know. Knowing who they were or what they went through would only make me feel worse.

At that moment, I noticed A leaning heavily beside me. I caught him in a hurry, and H said, "Oh, sorry. Please take him to the living room. This place must be tough for him." As C and I carried A back through the hallway, I realized something.

The voice that H had been talking to, the one that cried out from the room before the destruction ceased, was entirely different from I's voice.

Afterward, when A regained consciousness and was able to move, we transferred the still-sleeping B to A's home and called B's husband to hand her over. To avoid any misunderstanding, I, H, and C all left, so only men were out of the scene. B's husband did not seem suspicious and took his sleeping wife back home without a word.

He mentioned, "Oh, is it happening again? Sorry about that. You might know, but she might have what's called a sleep disorder. Sometimes she just falls asleep suddenly and can't wake up. I heard from her mother that it happened often when she was young, but after getting married, it rarely happens, maybe once a year. The hospital tests found nothing unusual, and she doesn't remember anything but always makes sure to turn off the gas and such before sleeping, and it never happens when she's with the kids, and since she doesn't collapse or anything, I'm not too worried. Thanks for letting me know, and sorry for the trouble."

According to A, "I think gas and fire are definitely safe. Even if B doesn't turn them off, that thing will take care of it. It's surprising it never happens with a baby around. Maybe B has become more cautious about dangerous places and things since having a child."

H suggested, "Maybe B's subconscious won't allow her to sleep so deeply if she's left the baby unattended. That thing attached to B isn't completely independent of her consciousness. If it didn't have some way to interact with her subconscious, I don't think it would just put her to sleep. There must be a reason it specifically needs B. If it couldn't fight fully unless she's alone or without her family, that'd be quite the inconvenient situation, wouldn't it? If it was just lodging with her, it would have moved on."

About the voice heard from the room, both "seers" agreed, "One of the fused human spirits facing the threat of extinction managed to regain its sense of self." It seems H had used all possible connections, knowledge, and favors to seal the room spiritually in many layers beforehand.

Within that sealed space, the thing attached to B and the entity attached to I were placed in close proximity, where merely their presence caused them to erode each other, leading to an indescribable, fierce battle. Once again, B's entity emerged victorious.

The pleas for help were from a spirit experiencing the terror of facing death a second time, trapped with no escape from B's entity.

The realization was shocking. The voice, so vivid yet not belonging to any living being with vocal cords, was haunting. A's collapse was attributed to the spiritual equivalent of witnessing a bloody massacre. The fate of those spirits, neither A nor H wished to elaborate, and frankly, I didn't want to delve further. We already knew B's entity wasn't something that performed exorcisms or purification.

That concludes the story. B woke up the next morning, humming as she prepared breakfast and her husband's lunch as if nothing had happened. I began attending psychiatric sessions, showing significant improvement in communication and responsiveness, much to his mother's relief. As for C, influenced by what H might have told him, he seemed reluctant to contact B much after that.

The most unsettling part was about the fused human spirits, described as having existed for decades but not more than a century, all with their fingernails torn off. Further details were spared by A and H, and honestly, I preferred not to know. Knowing the specifics would only serve to disturb further.

The cries for help, "Open the door, please help me," came from a spirit experiencing the terror of a second death while battling B's entity in a cage with no escape.

It was shocking. The voice was so real it was hard to believe it didn't come from a living being with vocal cords. A collapsed because he spiritually and metaphorically witnessed a "blood-soaked massacre." Neither of them answered questions about what happened to those spirits, and frankly, I don't want to think about it. I already knew B's entity wasn't one to perform exorcisms or purifications.

That essentially concludes the story. B woke up the next morning, humming as she prepared breakfast and her husband's lunch as if nothing had happened. I is now attending psychiatric sessions, showing significant improvement in communication and response, much to his mother's delight. As for C, influenced by whatever H might have told him, he mentioned not wanting to contact B much anymore.

Finally, the most unsettling part of this tale involves the "fused human spirits." "They likely existed for over half a century but not more than a hundred years," and "All of them had their fingernails torn off." Neither A nor H provided further explanations, and honestly, I don't want to know. Knowing who they were or what they went through would only make things worse.

-Long horror story