Long horror story

The Ring "The Dweller Within ~Series 5~

I have another story from my student days, similar to the well incident, involving my direct experience.

I previously wrote about B's ex-boyfriend E from our student days. E wasn't part of our group of friends and had nothing to do with the well incident. I heard that B and E broke up just before graduation over career choices. It's possible E still doesn't know about the entity that visits B.

During our student days, B once showed off a ring she received from E to our group. It was a gold and silver combination ring, and according to the girls in our group, it was quite a nice piece. However, A seemed very uneasy about it. Since this was after the well incident, I quietly asked A, "Is there something wrong with that ring?" A hesitated and said, "It might be bad... but what can we do? You don't know anyone who can perform exorcisms, do you?" I didn't know anyone else who had the sight like A, so when I said no, A looked even more troubled. A mentioned that although he could see spirits, he had only avoided dangerous ones by experience and didn't know any exorcists. "Besides, B wouldn't lend it to us... and if we took B to get it exorcised, it might cause a conflict with her entity..." I imagined B would carry the ring even closer if told it was spiritually dangerous. I said, "Well, B has that entity, so she'll be fine, right?" A made a complicated face and ended the conversation.

The next day, A had an accident at the university and got cut by some discarded glass, ending up in the university's health management center. A student from the same department was with him and A asked to leave his belongings in a nearby lecture room to pick up later. After hearing about the accident, I met up with the student and we decided I should take A's valuables for safekeeping, considering it risky to leave them unattended.

When I went to the lecture room, I found A's bag alone on a chair. I knew it was his, but to avoid any mistakes, I checked inside for something with his name on it.

That's when I saw it. In the pocket with his wallet was a small plastic bag containing a ring, identical to the one B had shown us. "Why does A have B's ring? Did he buy the same one, or maybe he took it without asking to get it exorcised?" As I confirmed the identity on the driver's license and was about to leave with the bag, I heard a "meow" from behind. Turning around, I saw a greyish cat on the windowsill, which meowed again before jumping outside. I then realized the cat wasn't there before and the room was on the fourth floor, with no branches or ledges outside for it to have come from. As I looked out the window, I saw nothing to suggest how the cat could have descended or climbed, and certainly no sign of it being injured from a fall. "Can a cat survive a fall from the fourth floor?" I thought, returning to grab A's bag, only to notice it now had a noticeable tear that wasn't there before. Then, a chilling "meow" at my feet made me realize the ring in the bag was the cause of my unease. As I hastily tried to call someone on my phone, the meowing continued, accompanied by a disturbing echo of a woman's voice whispering, "Just die, it would be better if you died."

Thankfully, B was on campus and agreed to take A's belongings after I explained the situation. As I rushed to meet B, I continued to hear the cat's meowing and the woman's voice. Upon reaching B, the sounds stopped, but I later found that the cut on my ankle was not from the bicycle's metal but appeared to be from a claw.

A's injury turned out to be minor, and the ring in his bag was borrowed from B. He wanted a similar one and had borrowed it to show as a sample at a jewelry store. However, A never explained the cat's meowing or the woman's voice.

Recently, after hearing a story about B's visit and the shrine incident, it dawned on me that the entity within B only protects her and does not ward off evil spirits or curses affecting others around her. This realization made me recall the incident with the ring. B had the ring on when I spoke to her about it; E had bought it with the help of a cousin who had passed away shortly after. At the time, I thought the woman's voice I heard was unrelated because she was alive when I heard it. However, looking back, I can't help but wonder.

After pressing A for details, he reluctantly shared that the cousin might have been in love with E and, out of jealousy towards B, had performed a curse involving the death of a cat. The incidents I experienced

-Long horror story